TRIA 年輕學者研究獎申請公告
2022 年 9 月 13 日2022 TRIA_FeAT聯合年會暨國際學術研討會_報名表
2022 年 11 月 15 日
本次會議特邀國際知名學者-Tong Yu (美國辛辛那提大學商學院金融系教授,現任Financial Review、Pacific Basin Finance Journal、Journal of Insurance Issues 等領域期刊編輯) 與Ghon Rhee (美國夏威夷大學商學院國際金融與財務系教授,Pacific Basin Finance Journal 創刊總編輯) 擔任大會專題主講人,另聘請來自產、官、學界之專業人士擔任實務座談嘉賓。入選本次研討會之英文文稿得投稿至 Pacific Basin Finance Journal特刊。期盼學術先進共襄盛舉!!
徵稿主題 本次研討會徵求風險、保險、財務工程與財務金融相關領域論文,主題包含(不限於): 保險精算、疫情保險商品、長壽風險與證券化、保險經濟、金融機構、創新與風險管理、 退休金與社會保險、氣候變遷風險管理、金融科技、財務智能、衍生性金融商品、金融大數據分析、量化投資、高頻策略、投資學、資產訂價、公司理財、行為財務等。
主辦單位 台灣風險與保險學會(TRIA)、台灣財務工程學會(FeAT)、靜宜大學財務金融學系
會議地點 43301臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道七段200號(靜宜大學主顧樓)
重要日期 投稿截止日:延期至2022/10/10截止收件 論文接受通知日:2022/10/31 網路報名截止日:2022/12/3 會議舉辦日:2022/12/17
研討會特刊Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ)將提供本次研討會特刊,投稿英文稿件並以英文報告者,可選擇於研討會結束後投稿至PBFJ特刊,相關投稿資訊將於研討會中提供。
投稿說明 論文需含封面頁,註明標題及摘要、投稿所屬領域、作者姓名、發表人姓名、服務單位、職稱、聯絡地址、聯絡電話、電子郵箱,僅接受以pdf/word格式投稿(只寄摘要亦可,但投稿論文全文有助於提高被接受發表的機率,建議投稿全文)。
聯絡資訊 靜宜大學財金系 謝依珊老師 Tel: 04-26328001 ext: 13617、13064
Call for Papers
Members and friends of Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association (TRIA) and Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan (FeAT) are invited to submit research papers to be considered for presentation at 2022 TRIA-FeAT Joint Annual Meeting. Papers on any topic related to risk management, insurance, financial engineering, financial economics, and general finance are welcome. Specific topics include, but not limited to, actuarial, asset-pricing, behavioral finance, big-data analysis, climatic risk management, corporate finance, derivatives, financial institutions, financial intelligence, Fintech, high-frequency trading, innovation and risk management, insurance economy, investment, longevity risk and securitization, pandemic insurance, pension and social insurance, and quantitative investing.
Organizers: Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association, Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan, and Providence University
Venue: Providence Hall of Providence University (No. 200, Section 7 of Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan)
Conference date: December 17th, 2022
Submission deadline: October 10th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: October 31st, 2022
Registration deadline: December 3rd, 2022
Publication opportunity: The Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ) will provide a special issue for this conference. Accepted papers that are written and presented in English can be submitted to the special issue. Detailed information will be released during the meeting.
Submission guide: Fill in the registration form ( before submission. Please submit the papers via (with the e-mail subject of “Submission to TRIA-FeAT joint conference_corresponding author’s name”, and use this subject as the name of the enclosed file). All submitted papers should be in the format of pdf/word and accompanied by a cover page indicating title, abstract, area (insurance, financial engineering, risk management, or finance), presenter’s name, all authors’ affiliation and their corresponding address. Abstract submission is allowed but might have a lower acceptance rate than full-paper submission.
Information inquiry: Contact us via e-mail ( or phone call (+886 4 26328001 ext: 13617 or 13604).